Home of the Kodiak Brown Bear
Kodiak Island is located in the Gulf of Alaska and is the second largest island in the United States. Kodiak is home to about 3,500 world-famous Kodiak Brown Bears which can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and stand over 10 feet tall on their hind legs.
Kodiak is also home to the largest Coast Guard base in the country encompassing 23,000 acres the largest air station in the country, assets valued at $2.3 billion and over 3,500 active duty, retired military, DHS civilians and family members. USCG Kodiak provides Search And Rescue for over 4 million square miles of ocean in the Gulf of Alaska, Bristol Bay, Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean above 40N latitude. Commercial fishermen rely on the Coast Guard and we thank them for their service.

Kodiak is ranked the #3 fishing port by weight and the #6 port by value.
$351 Million: Total Revenue Generated by the Seafood Industry in 2019
Kodiak has one of the most diverse commercial fishing fleets in Alaska, including salmon seiners, trawlers, fixed-gear and mechanical jig, and the seafood industry is Kodiak’s most significant non-governmental sector in terms of earnings and employment. In 2019 the seafood industry generated 3,200 jobs, $200 million in labor income, and $351 million in total economic output, including seafood products and all of the businesses that support the commercial fleet.

Keeping all our commercial fishing vessels going takes a lot of support. Kodiak boasts several welding and metal fabrication shops, two hydraulic shops, two marine fuel docks, diesel mechanics for Cummins, John Deere and Caterpillar engines, marine electricians and refrigeration technicians, marine line and wire rope shop, and stores for general marine supplies and gear to outfit any mariner.

“I started fishing at the age of 7 on Arranmore Island, County Donegal in Ireland, and have been fishing out of Kodiak for 31 years.”
- Patrick O'Donnell, Owner/Operator, F/V Caravelle

Kodiak runs on 99.9% renewable energy produced by Kodiak Electric Association (KEA), a rural cooperative utility. KEA operates an isolated electrical grid system on Kodiak Island serving roughly 5,800 individual members with renewable energy produced at the Terror Lake Hydroelectric plant and wind turbines on Pillar Mountain. In 2004, the KEA board voted to pursue a plan to generate 95% of its electricity from wind and hydroelectric resources by 2020. KEA surpassed this goal and supplied 99.9% renewable energy in 2020; meeting its vision to Endeavor to maintain 98% of energy sales with cost effective renewable power solutions for the future of our members and the community.